Other services

In addition to its intervention relative to the Citytelling kit, Dédale provides a series of services and a wide expertise in the fields of mediation, audiovisual and consulting in digital innovation.

Design and animation of urban visits and walks
Design and animation of participatory workshops
Picto tourist © Irene Hoffman

Dédale is implicated in every step of the conception of a walk in public space or of a visit of a cultural institution.

→ Thematic and documentary research

→ Contents collection 

→ Scripting and writing

→ Mobilization of specific speakers

Furthermore, Dédale relay on a network of professional speakers (urban planners, architects, contemporary art specialists) to conduct urban walks and visit tours in various fields such as heritage, urban planning, architecture, arts or environment.


Les promenades urbaines

Vivacités IDF

Nostos – Visites et conférences

picto atelier © Sarah Abraham

Dédale offers to design and animate workshops implicating inhabitants, city users and citizens for the co-production of digital contents.

Participatory sessions of collection and creation of contents, those workshops are built and animated around specific stakes identified upstream. They make use of particular means to be determined according to the context and can take place within different steps:

→ Presentation and awareness-raising on the project's stakes
→ Proposal of work themes
→ Field visits, if needed
→ Brainstorming session
→ Meeting with specific stakeholders: experts, creative actors, artists... 
→ Collection of documents 
→ Co-production of contents : residents interviews / Gathering of video footage recorded by inhabitants with their mobile phones / Co-animation and provision of content to a blog with collection of photos and texts made by the inhabitants / Work upon archives documents: addition of comments, collating with current documents...


Vivacités IDF

Design and production of audiovisual documents
Consulting and support - Urban digital services
Picto caméra © Félix Péault

As video and sound contents are at the core of Dédale's devices, the agency has developed a strong expertise in every part of the production chain of audiovisual contents. 

→ Design, scripting and storyboarding
→ Location research and film shooting
→ Editing and graphic design

picto conseil © Ahmed Elzahra

Dédale also provides support and advice to public authorities and cultural institutions. 

→ Creativity sessions, brainstorming, assistance in defining concepts
→ Definition and feasibility studies
→ Projects coordination, steering committees




Dédale | 24 Rue de l’Est 75020 PARIS | Tel. +33 (0)6 31 13 35 74 | contact@dedale.info

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